We aim to realize sustainable procurement by ensuring the safety and quality of raw materials and more, and by also considering the social responsibility of the entire supply chain, including consideration for the environment and human rights as well as compliance with laws and social ethics.

Takara Bio Group Procurement Policy

  1. Ensuring safety and quality
    In accordance with the Takara Group Quality Policy, we will promote activities aimed at ensuring a high level of safety and quality.
  2. Consideration for the environment
    Based on Takara Bio Group Environmental Policy, we will engage in activities with consideration for the global environment.
  3. Consideration for human rights
    In accordance with the Takara Group Human Rights Policy, we will engage in activities with consideration for human rights.
  4. Compliance with laws and social ethics
    In accordance with the Takara Group Compliance Action Guidelines, we will comply with laws and social ethics. We will not request entertainment or gifts from suppliers, nor will we be the recipient of entertainment that exceeds the boundaries of common sense.
  5. Equitable and fair transactions
    We will treat all suppliers with common sense and honesty and conduct equitable and fair transactions. When selecting suppliers, we will make our decisions after equitable and fair comparisons and evaluations, based on quality, price, delivery date, technical capabilities, supply capacity and other conditions.
  6. Maintaining information security
    We will appropriately manage confidential information and personal information obtained during procurement activities.
  7. Expectations of suppliers
    With regard to the above, we expect the same considerations from our suppliers, and will endeavor to promote initiatives throughout the entire supply chain.

Collaboration with suppliers

In the area of procurement, we have formulated guidelines for sustainable procurement. We ask our suppliers to make the guidelines known and comply with them, and we aim to solve problems through cooperation.

We are working to obtain consents in order to continue conducting business with our suppliers on a sustainable basis and to continue providing safe and reliable products and services.

Takara Bio Group Sustainability Plan 2026

Theme: Collaboration with suppliers


Targets for FY2026


Establishment and operation of guidelines for sustainable procurement

  • Formulate Procurement Policy and Procurement Guideline, disseminate them to suppliers, and ask them to comply.
  • Survey the status of suppliers and request improvements as necessary.

1) Formulate Procurement Policy and Procurement Guideline and post them on websites and other media to promote awareness.
2) Activities to raise awareness of Takara Bio (non-consolidated) among suppliers.
3) Conducted questionnaire.
4) Evaluation of questionnaire results, identification of areas for improvement, and proposals for improvement to business partners.
The target for 3) and 4) is at least 90% of primary suppliers.